Lettre aux Parents


Instructor: Emmanuelle Loriot Apruzzese

Textbook: French Discovery Bleu


Support lessons will be held at 7:30 a.m. or after school at 2:45 p.m. for students who need to make up work or need help or extra credit.


Students should come to French class ready to work. The following materials are


    • Notebook/iPad
    • Double pocket folder and binder
    • Pen, pencils, glue, eraser
      • It will save much time and will enable everyone to truly benefit from the class if ALL requested items are brought each day without failure. Likewise, frequent interruptions for various reasons (bathroom, nurse, etc.), unless absolutely necessary, will deprive all students of precious time and information. Parents will be notified should a child’s missed class time result in declining grades.


The French program is very exciting with much new vocabulary, grammar and cultural themes. Of course, students will develop communication skills by using only French in the classroom as well as engaging in a wide range of activities, including reading, writing, listening and reading comprehension, and oral conversation in groups and individually.

Students have to participate actively in class. Their participation will be evaluated accordingly. Students can monitor their progress by counting the number of checks placed by their name on a seating chart kept at my desk.

An oral grade is given every two weeks based on this evaluation system.

By the end of the year, students should be able to express themselves confidently in the target language orally and in writing in a variety of daily life situations. Students will be more aware of cultural differences and of the French speaking world.

Students should come after school if they wish to improve a poor oral grade due to absence or insufficient class participation.

Students should not hesitate to seek help should they experience any type of difficulty. We will work together to make sure that learning French is fun and interesting.


Homework assignments are given everyday. It may be a practice exercise of a concept presented in class or memorization of new vocabulary.

Students are expected to hand in homework on a separate piece of A4 paper, neatly presented, with their name and grade, ON TIME.

In case of absence, students will be granted an extra day to submit an assignment (extensions will be permitted for longer absences). Any work turned in late will receive a 10% per day grade deduction to a maximum of 2 days. After 2 days it will result in a zero. Students are encouraged to redo a piece that was either incomplete or incorrect. The goal is to help students understand their own errors and correct them.


Lesson quizzes are given on a regular basis and will be announced. Homework assignments asking for the study of a new set of vocabulary or a new grammar concept may be followed by unannounced quizzes designed to check students’ understanding of new material.

Tests are given at the end of a unit or a group of lessons (chapter). Students are always notified of an upcoming test several days in advance.


Projects are an important part of the curriculum and are always a welcome break in our routine. Ample time is given to all students (either in class or at home) to produce their best work in French. Students are reminded of a project due date and are encouraged to manage their time accordingly. Most projects rely on technology, either for research purposes and/or for presentation (Word/Powerpoint). Students are reminded to work in the school lab when possible and to ask for assistance when needed.


Students should keep all their graded work in a double pocket folder. The folder will be kept in class. There are three important reasons for this requirement:

• It is a collection of the student’s work to be used for revision throughout the year and specifically for the exams.

• It helps to avoid time-consuming searches in case of grade inquiries.

• It provides an opportunity to receive extra credit points. Portfolios are

collected and graded regularly.

Please sign below that you have read and understood this course outline. Student’s name and signature:......................................................................... Parent’s name and signature:...........................................................................